Rainbow Six Siege expanding revenue-sharing program with second phase

Adam Fitch

Ubisoft is revising its revenue-sharing pilot program for Rainbow Six Siege, adding more teams to the initiative.

Up to 16 teams that compete in the Rainbow Six Siege Pro League will be supported for Phase 2 of the program – which is expected to run from June 2019 to May 2020.

Rainbow Six Siege Pro League Phase 2
Image credit: Ubisoft

For Phase 2 of the pilot program – in addition to supporting more teams from the Pro League – Ubisoft plans to incentivise performance from both players and teams, and will open up the program to teams outside of the Rainbow Six Siege ecosystem.

Each of the eleven teams from the first phase, as well as any new organisation that wants to get involved in the program, will need to submit applications to be considered for inclusion.

The revenue-sharing comes from branded in-game items being purchased by players of the game, giving 30 percent of the net revenue to the team whose branding is on the item. 30 percent of that revenue will be designated to players.

On the lead up to the Six Invitational, 30 percent of net revenues from the in-game Road to SI event will go towards the event’s prize pool. When a team in the pilot program places in the money at the Invitational, the money from the event will be split 50/50 between the organisation and its players.

Esports Insider says: This is great news. We’re a fan of revenue-sharing initiatives such as this as it supports organisations and players that don’t have significant funding, it’s awesome to see that more teams – both in and out of the Pro League – are now eligible to apply.

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Adam Fitch is a journalist, editor, host, and speaker. In 2019, he was named UK Esports Awards' Reporter of the Year. In 2020, he was a finalist for Journalist of the Year at the Esports Awards.