Sports Management Worldwide gears up for next Business of Esports Course

Sports Management Worldwide, an online school for sports careers, is gearing up for another round of its eight-week online Business of Esports Course.

Led by Ben Watley, Senior Program Manager for Electronic Arts, the course has been devised to break down the esports industry to identify the opportunities that are available.

The course is focused on entry-level positions in esports; specifically covering the general landscape of the industry, from event management, to fan engagement, coaching, psychology, team management, content creation, sponsorship, and broadcasting. With Watley teaching the fundamentals of esports, the course looks to develop students’ understanding of what’s available to them when it comes to careers.

Dr. Lynn Lashbrook, Founder and President of Sports Management Worldwide, spoke on the course: “With the sports community on hold, Esports is seeing a fantastic rise in attention, interest, and overall growth. I’ve always known that the power of esports would be like none other because of its connectivity across the globe that it provides and its ability to break barriers through the power of online. Esports is here to stay and in my opinion, continue to see the growth that other leagues and sports would be jealous of.”

Sports Management Worldwide Business of Esports Course
Image credit: Sports Management Worldwide

There may be guest speakers that get involved during the course also, helping students to forge connections and get different perspectives on the industry. On that front, The Business of Esports Course has an ‘informational interview’ assignment, a staple of Sports Management Worldwide, which sees students interview industry professionals – a further opportunity to build up a network of connections.

Esports Insider has its very own discount code for the Business of Esports Course from Sports Management Worldwide. To get $50 (£40.54) off the course, use the following code:


The next start date for the course is April 13th, so you have a few days to get enrolled and prepared to start your journey in esports! There’s a limitation of 20 students per class size, sign up today with your discount code.

Disclaimer: This piece is sponsored by Sports Management Worldwide