Emna Thabet has announced that she will lead the esports and gaming division for Orange Tunisia, the Tunisian arm of telecommunications giant Orange.
According to her LinkedIn post, Thabet will oversee several esports-centred activations on the company’s mobile app called Max It.
Thabet joined Orange Tunisia in December 2022 and has been working as a VAS Content Manager at the company for the past two years. Previously, Thabet worked as a marketing professional and content manager for several Tunisian companies, including the likes of Arion Technologies, Timsoft Group and more.
In 2023, Orange announced a mobile app for African markets called Max It. The app offers a range of digital content, such as online games, music, TV, videos and news. The app also features a digital ticketing service allowing customers to buy tickets for concerts and transport.
As a part of the provider’s esports offerings, Thabet will oversee a separate esports-centred section on Max it, called the Game Corner. The Game Corner section on the app currently boasts a catalogue of over 50 game items spanning more than 20 games. Also, Thabet will continue to advance the Orange Esports Arena platform, which offers resources for esports players in Tunisia.
The telecommunications provider announced the launch of a redesigned Orange Gaming hub at the company’s OMEA (Orange Middle East Africa) event last week, in an attempt to bolster Tunisia’s developing esports sector. Moreover, the company recently announced a partnership with Tunisian esports organisation GnG Esports.