Reed Midem has announced that it is organising the first Esports BAR (Business Arena Esports) event in Cannes in February 15-17 next year.
The three day business event will seek to foster relationships between investors and endemic esports businesses. According to the organiser there will be extensive networking, 100 plus ‘curated’ attendees and 2,000 one-to-one meetings.
On the advisory board are Wouter Sleijffers, Fnatic CEO, Arnd Benninghoff CEO MTGx Ventures and Matthieu Dillon, President of French Esports and CEO of ESWC and Toornament.com. The event is also partnered with esports advertising agency Hurrah.
The likes of Gillette, Coca Cola, Red Bull and Intel have been heavily involved in the esports scene in some format whilst others such as Mountain Dew and Bud Light have also become involved to a lesser capacity. Others are waiting in the wings for the right opportunity but without any guidance, and with definite uncertainty around how and where to enter, they won’t make a move. This is where this Esports BAR event comes in.
Jerome Delhaye, Director of Reed Midem’s Entertainment Division stated: “Many brands and other potential partners have a hard time finding the right contacts to get involved in esports. Reed Midem wanted to address this – as it has for the music industry, tech, television and the real estate industry – with a dedicated networking experience that will help these kinds of fruitful relationships flourish.”
He continued: “We want to create a powerful mix of industry trend-setters and forward-thinkers, all hunting for new partnership opportunities.
“Over 70% of fans are between ages 20-35, a critical period for developing brand loyalty. An industry this powerful and with such potential deserves its own B2B event.”
Esports Insider says: There are numerous esports focused events popping up all over the globe at present but Reed Midem has created one specifically aimed at networking and encouraging relationships to form between investors and esports businesses. This is something which is much needed and should benefit both sides. Bonne chance!