The best in esports recognised at inaugural industry awards night

Oliver Ring

The Brewery played host to the inaugural eSports industry awards night yesterday. Representatives from across the burgeoning industry gathered to celebrate the achievements of individuals, with eighteen awards being handed out in total. 

The event was live streamed on Twitch and according to MCV, over 46,000 people watched over the course of the event.

Here’s the full list of winners: 


Esports Journalist of the Year – Richard Lewis

Esports Photographer of the Year – Robert Paul

Best Esports Coverage Website – Score eSports

UK Esports Player of the Year – Callum “Swanny” Swan

Best Hardware Provider – Scuf Gaming

New Esports Game of the Year – Overwatch

Esports Rookie of the Year – Amer “Miracle-” Al-Barkawi

Esports Broadcaster of the Year – Auguste “Semmler” Massonnat

Esports Live Event of the Year – The International 6

Esports Team of the Year – Team EnVyUs

Esports Commercial Partner of the Year – Monster

Best Streaming Platform – Twitch

Console Player of the Year – Seth “Scump” Abner

PC Player of the Year – Marcelo “Coldzera” David

Esports Publisher of the Year – Valve

Streamer of the Year – Michael “Imaqtpie” Santana

Esports Game of the Year – Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Esports Personality of the Year – Gabriel “FalleN” Toledo

Esports Insider says: It was a great evening to celebrate the achievements of some of the best talents, and companies working in a great industry. Huge congratulations to all of the winners – richly deserved.