This week on Esport Talk blaDE of Team Expert talks Heroes of the Storm and why he believes it has vast potential.
The Blizzard MOBA title may not be as big as LoL or Dota but it has quite the fanbase. Jens Hilgers and The Esports Observer recently placed it in the tier two category alongside the likes of Overwatch and SMITE. Tier one incidentally was made up of League, CS:GO, Dota 2 and Hearthstone.
This hasn’t escaped the attention of German-based home electronics company Expert who signed the former roster Two Bees Determined earlier this month.
The up-and-coming squad’s captain Sebastian ‘bLaDe’ Petraschke became the latest guest on Esport Talk last week.
He discussed his background, his path so far which started off with League of Legends incidentally, and how he came to be captain of Expert.
In this podcast bLaDe explains what it takes to face up against the best in the scene, and how his team practices. Expert have qualified for the European 2017 Heroes of the Storm Pro League so it’s well worth a listen for any aspiring pros or amateur teams.
Listen here and keep up to date by following @EsportTalkDE on Twitter.