Deutsche Fußball Liga tender esports rights

Oliver Ring

It was announced on Monday that the Deutsche Fußball Liga (“DFL”) will tender for “interactive entertainment products” for both the Bundesliga and the Bundesliga 2. 

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The press release reads that the leagues will issue a “tender for interactive entertainment products starting from the 2018/19 season”. It continues “in this tender licenses in the categories Match Simulation, a game simulating a football match, E-Sport, an official competition of players and/or teams competing in a Match Simulation, and Manager Simulation, a game simulating the tasks of a club manager, will be offered”. 

Whilst this is fairly unclear as to what exactly is being offered, and what the tender is for there’s clear mention of esports and the words match simulation potentially imply FIFA related activity. 

In the closing parts of the press release, the DFL outlines that it hopes to be moving by the start of April 2017 which leaves little time for those interested to get involved.

The more interesting facet of the press release is the “Manager Simulation” as nobody has dared bring Sports Interactive’s huge sporting title “Football Manager” anywhere near the esports space. Admittedly, we can’t see how it would be in any way enticing from a spectator perspective but the words are mentioned in the release. 

Bundesliga teams have already been busy in the esports space. F.C. Schalke 04 have not only signed FIFA players but have a team competing in League of Legends under their esports brand. Meanwhile, VfL Wolfsburg have also signed a FIFA player.

Esports Insider says: Football Manager to become an esport? We doubt it. The release isn’t overly clear on what the DFL are trying to achieve at the moment. The tender period is not long so we’ll be keeping a keen eye on proceedings.