Which UK universities have esports degrees?

ESI Editorial Team
Esports degrees
Image credit: Confetti Institute of Creative Technologies

As esports continues to professionalise as an industry, various educational institutions are looking to cater to those wanting to develop careers in the sector by creating esports degrees and courses. 

From a competitive standpoint, esports has featured relatively prominently at a university (collegiate) level in the US through various scholarship programmes. In fact, the first esports scholarship was offered by Robert Morris University (Illinois) in 2014. The UK meanwhile has companies such as university esports tournament operators NUEL and National Student Esports (NSE) bolstering the country’s competitive scene. The University of Roehampton also has its own esports scholarship programme.

Both the US and UK have moved beyond a focus on competitive players and teams by looking towards the curriculum too and offering tailored courses or esports degrees. In recent years, a number of universities in the UK have launched esports-focused qualifications, most of which vary in specificity. 

Esports Insider has produced a guide detailing which universities in the UK offer an esports degree or course. It’s worth noting that these universities are currently offering courses for the upcoming 2023/24 semester. Moreover, some of these degrees have additional options that include placement or foundation years.  

Esports degrees

Image via: Shutterstock

The following universities offer three-year degrees for esports.

Tailored esports degrees

University of Sunderland esports
Image credit: University of Sunderland

The following universities offer three-year degrees that position themselves as targeting a specific area of the esports industry.

Other esports qualification courses

The following institutions offer higher education esports-related courses that provide qualifications upon completion.

If an institution that offers esports degrees or relevant courses in the United Kingdom is not listed, please reach out to [email protected]. The article will be updated accordingly.

Disclaimer: This list is for educational purposes. Inclusion in the article does not suggest that Esports Insider endorses the degrees or courses mentioned.