Jeff Palumbo named Director of Esports at Palmer Hamilton

Jeff Palumbo named Director of Esports at Palmer Hamilton
(ESI Illustration) Image credit: Jeff Palumbo / Palmer Hamilton LLC.

Jeff Palumbo, formally the Global Senior Product Manager at hardware brand Lenovo, has announced his new position as Director of Esports at furniture and design company Palmer Hamilton.

The new role will see Palumbo continue his work in esports, gaming and education, the latter of which was an important part of his previous role at Lenovo.

ESI Lisbon 2024

Jeff Palumbo is an experienced executive and leader most known for spending more than four years at hardware brand Lenovo’s esports division. During his time at the company, Palumbo ran Lenovo’s esports marketing and brand strategies while working with a range of clients in sports, esports, gaming, and education. Palumbo was laid off from Lenovo earlier this year.

Interestingly, Palumbo is the first-ever Director of Esports at Palmer Hamilton, a company known for producing furniture for commercial spaces such as restaurants. The company also works with clients in the education space to create esports spaces through its partnership with RESPAWN Gaming Chairs, which is a segment Palumbo will take over.

In a social media post, Palumbo explained that the aim is to enhance student engagement and productivity. Moreover, the goal is to create spaces catering to specific success criteria in esports and education.

Ivan Šimić
Ivan comes from Croatia, loves weird simulator games, and is terrible at playing anything else. Spent 5 years writing about tech and esports in Croatia, and is now doing it here.