Six La Liga teams announce Virtual Football Organisation

Oliver Ring

The extremely popular FIFA series is best known for direct head-to-head competition. In almost every iteration of competition to date, two players will pick their favourite teams and compete; with control over every player on the pitch. The VFO (Virtual Football Organisation) is an intriguing new competition where it utilises the games’ FIFA Pro game mode – in which each player takes control of just a single player. 

Furthermore, it has been announced that the competition will follow a league format – with four teams being promoted and likewise relegated from each division per season. So far, the length of season, number of teams per division and prize money is yet to be announced and it is yet to be seen whether the top ‘traditional’ FIFA players will hop on-board.

The six La Liga teams are also joined by existing esports team x6tense and will be put into the top tier. The competition will intriguingly be open to teams of all levels including amaters – although they will start in significantly lower tiers of competition.

Esports insider: This is a move that is particularly fascinating. The FIFA esports landscape is often viewed as relatively stale and boring to spectate but eleven versus eleven could bring an absorbing chaos to the game and prove compelling from an esports perspective.