Copenhagen Flames renew partnership with Elgiganten

Oliver Ring

Copenhagen Flames yesterday announced that it has renewed its partnership with Elgiganten, the largest consumer electronics retailer in the Nordic countries.

Image result for copenhagen flames

Copenhagen Flames are relative newcomers to the esports scene yet have made massive strides and are now home to teams in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Rocket League, Hearthstone and Overwatch. 

The extension of the partnership comes after a trial period, which Elgiganten were more than happy to renew. A spokesperson told the Flames: “There was no doubt that renewing the contract was the right thing to do for us. The results from all the Flames players should be reason enough, but it’s actually just as much because we think that the Copenhagen Flames organisation as a whole goes about being an esports organisation in a unique way compared to the rest of the industry, thus bringing something new to the Danish scene”. 

When asked what the partnership meant for Elgiganten they said: “The partnership means that we’re getting represented in a broad spectrum of games in a great many tournaments and LANs. Furthermore, we’re thrilled about FLAMES TV and the huge exposure we’re getting through this great effort. Whether it’s ThePolishDane, a player stream or an AMA, we’re present. Something always happen in the Flames universe!”

The blog post ended with Elgiganten teasing future plans yet staying coy on what exactly they were. 

It’s debatable as to whether Elgiganten is considered wholly endemic to the industry but seeing a large Nordic electronic retailer (endemic or not) get involved with esports through Copenhagen Flames is great to see.

Esports Insider says: Congratulations to the guys over at Copenhagen Flames and Elgiganten. Hopefully the partnership is prosperous and we look forward to seeing the Flames continue to rise.