VIDEO: Brian Anderson & Michelle Tierney on law & sponsorships in esports | ESI Focus

The esports industry would not be where it is today without support from sponsorships and partnerships with brands, both inside and outside of the space. With sponsorship deals regularly making headlines, just what goes into securing these deals and ensuring all parties are legally protected?

On this week’s episode, Michelle Tierney, Director of Commercial Partnerships of Guild Esports and Brian Anderson, Partner at Sheppard Mullin, discuss the legal intricacies behind esports sponsorships, detailing comparisons from their experiences in traditional sports and other media industries.

This is the first episode in ESI Focus’s series on Law in Esports, presented by Sheppard Mullin, hosted by Esports Insider’s Head of Multimedia Content, Kerry Waananen.

Alternatively, you can listen to the podcast on SpotifyAnchor, or Apple Podcast.

ESI Focus is part of the ESI Podcast Network, a collection of podcasts encompassing the esports industry. For a weekly round-up of the biggest esports business-related news stories, check out ESI Focus. For conversations with key personnel and major stakeholders in esports, ESI Insight is the series for you.