Philadelphia Fusion adds Aim Lab as skills training partner

Andrew Hayward

Overwatch League’s Philadelphia Fusion has announced an alliance with first-person shooter training solution Aim Lab as its new skills training partner.

Aim Lab will develop custom training programs for Philadelphia Fusion by analysing players’ data and analytics, and the players will utilise the Aim Lab software as part of their training regimen.

Philadelphia Fusion adds Aim Lab
Image credit: Philadelphia Fusion

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Christopher “ChrisTFer” Graham, Assistant Coach of the Philadelphia Fusion, commented in a release: “The Fusion are at the top of their game right now, and to ensure we maintain and build upon that level of performance, we’re partnering with Aim Lab. We’re excited to work with Aim Lab to create unique training programs that will enhance our players’ skills throughout the remainder of the season.”

Additionally, Fusion player Jae-hyeok “Carpe” Lee will stream his own pre-game Aim Lab training via Twitch; players will also hold a monthly “Fusion vs. Fusion” skills competition using Aim Lab.

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Aim Lab, developed by neuroscientists at Statespace, has amassed more than 2,000,000 downloads to date. In the coming months, the software platform will launch training programs featuring professional Overwatch, VALORANT, and Rainbow Six Siege players, as well as an Aim Lab Creator studio that lets users develop custom training routines.

Dr. Wayne Mackey, Founder and CEO of Statespace, added: “As enormous fans of the Fusion, Overwatch, and all things Philly, we are excited to develop personalised training programs and insights to help maximise the team’s performance this season.”

Esports Insider says: We’d imagine that many of the Fusion players have already used Aim Lab to improve their skills, but this official partnership makes a lot of sense – not only practically, but also given the current online-only nature of the league and the ability to build activations around a software tool.

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Andrew is the Content Lead for The Esports Journal, as well as a contributing journalist to Esports Insider. As a freelance writer, Andrew has contributed to more than 100 publications since 2006, including esports coverage for Rolling Stone, The Esports Observer, Red Bull, Vice, and Rocketeers. Email: