World of Warcraft Arena World Championship partner with Grubhub

David Hollingsworth

Blizzard has announced a partnership with Grubhub for their World of Warcraft Arena World Championships. This weekend’s event, the WoW AWC Fall Cup is the final point-scoring event prior to Blizzcon 2018.

Not many details about the deal have been shared, however, part of the promotion will offer WoW Arena World Championships viewers with a discount on their first order using the Grubhub app. This deal with Grubhub makes them the only current sponsor of the WoW AWC. Esports Insider has reached out to both Blizzard and Grubhub for more details about the deal.

Grubhub promotion shown during the stream

The WoW AWC is currently in its final weekend before the grand finals at Blizzcon which will see the top US and EU teams battle it out. Alongside the Arena event, the World of Warcraft mythic Dungeon Invitational, which takes a more speed-running Player-vs-Environment (PvE) style of esport event, compared to a more traditional player-vs-player approach. Both WoW events will run alongside Blizzard’s other popular titles including the finals of the Overwatch World Cup.

Most of the teams participating in the WoW Arena are not represented by an organisation, instead, groups of four players (With three playing at any one time) competing under their own given name. while a few organisations are involved in the scene, those being Method, who have sides in both NA and EU and The Gosu Crew, who currently ranks as one of the favourites to win the entire event. Splyce was once a major organisation involved in WoW Arena, even picking up the 2016 title, however, the organisation did not continue to compete in 2018. 

Warcraft partnering with Grubhub is the latest in a line of food service companies entering the esports scene. UberEats recently partnered with both Ninja and Spacestation Gaming alongside KFC, who has recently started their own gaming initiative, KFC Gaming.

Esports Insider says: WoW esports is often forgotten about by the majority of esports fans and even WoW players. The recent success of Method in their world first streaming seems to have reignited the scene and has driven up interest around Warcraft esports.

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