Evil Geniuses and Secretlab get cosy in seating alliance

Andrew Hayward

Following the recent completion of its rebranding effort, Evil Geniuses has announced a deal with Secretlab that makes the company its official seating partner.

Secretlab will produce Evil Geniuses-branded gaming chairs that will be used by team players, plus they will be available for purchase by fans.

Evil Geniuses Secretlab
Image credit: Evil Geniuses

RELATED: Nicole LaPointe Jameson on the “final phase” of Evil Geniuses’ rebrand

Nicole LaPointe Jameson, CEO of Evil Geniuses, commented in a release: “As one of the original esports organisations, we’re constantly looking toward securing a greater competitive edge, both to honor our storied history and to deliver unforgettable victories for our fans. We’ve found a partner in Secretlab that shares our values and commitment, and we feel like they’ve perfectly captured Evil Geniuses’ roots and ambitions in the Secretlab Evil Geniuses Edition.

“EG aspires to be nothing less than the very best in all of our ventures. As the global leader in performance gaming seats, Secretlab is set to provide our players with the comfort and support they need to always perform at the highest level.” 

In addition to featuring the team’s updated branding, the Secretlab Evil Geniuses Edition gaming chair includes “Est. 1999” etching, along with the organisation’s “LIVE EVIL” slogan. Evil Geniuses competes in the League of Legends Championship Series (LCS) and fields teams in games such as Dota 2 and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, along with individual players in multiple fighting games.

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Ian Alexander Ang, Co-founder and CEO of Secretlab, added: “Evil Geniuses are primed to grow into even more of an esports powerhouse, and with their recent re-entry into Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and the League of Legends Championship Series, I look forward to them finding further success at the highest tiers of the world’s biggest esports.”

Secretlab joins LG UltraGear, America’s Navy, Razer, Motorola Edge, Monster Energy, and Twitch as a partner of the organisation.

Esports Insider says: With Evil Geniuses’ final rebranding seemingly better accepted than the previous attempt, it makes sense to see the organisation expand its merchandising efforts. Hardcore fans will no doubt appreciate this sleek-looking seat.

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Andrew is the Content Lead for The Esports Journal, as well as a contributing journalist to Esports Insider. As a freelance writer, Andrew has contributed to more than 100 publications since 2006, including esports coverage for Rolling Stone, The Esports Observer, Red Bull, Vice, and Rocketeers. Email: andrew@esportsinsider.com.