NRG Esports enters partnership with Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Laura Byrne

North American organisation NRG Esports has named the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) as its new charitable partner through to 2020. 

The partnership will see those who represent the organisation help to raise awareness and drive donations.

NRG Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Image credit: NRG esports

Brett Lautenbach, President of NRG Esports discussed the partnership in a release: “I’m thrilled about this new partnership! It’s a great way for the NRG Family to give back to the larger community and drive a positive message. This is a first of its kind partnership for us and we’re excited to help The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society get its message out to all of our fans and the community at large.”

A donation page has been set up to be promoted by NRG Esports across its social media channels. Live activations, though unspecified at the time of writing, have been confirmed for the future.

Louis J. DeGennaro, President and CEO of Leukemia & Lymphoma Society also commented: “LLS was founded 70 years ago by a family for families, and we are excited to team up with NRG to help bring us closer to our goal of creating a world without blood cancer. We are so excited to partner with NRG Esports, a leader in the industry as this relationship will help expand our reach and spread awareness among young people about these diseases and the free services we offer to help patients of all ages.”

NRG Esports is also partnered with Nighthawk Pro Gaming, Sennheiser, OPSEAT, EventsDC, Ballistix, Cal Esports, Twitch, QualcommiBUYPOWER, and Sneak. The organisation also recently acquired the Chicago franchise slot in the upcoming Call of Duty league.

Esports Insider says: It’s great to see another esports organisation use its following to help bring awareness to charitable causes. So far this year, Misfits Gaming, Method, and Team Liquid have all announced partnerships with charities and we hope to see many more instances of this in the future. 

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