Scrub League Weekly – White House cringe

Sam Cooke

How many of you would watch two Street Fighter pros face off at the White House?

Not that many, apparently. streetfighterv

On this week’s Scrub League podcast the scrubs discuss the pros and cons of a lacklustre esports event meant to raise millennial awareness of Obamacare. From (board) games of Operation, to the most boring set of Rocket League you can imagine, to an SFV match between Justin Wong and Snake Eyez, the scrubs dissect this disappointing merger of politics and professional gaming.

Whether you’re a pro or a fan, when it comes to character customization, more is usually better. Not so in Tekken tournament play, according to Colin. He shows co-hosts Kevin and Sam some of the more outrageous skins and customization in Tekken 7.

Are Tekken’s customization options distracting for the players and audience or is it integral part of what makes the Bandai Namco franchise different from other fighting games?

Colin also gives you the lowdown on the Tekken 7 World Championships while Sam tips her hat to some clutch DOTA 2 play at the Boston Major.

Listen to episode 34 of Scrub League below.